What is the availability of the items?
Item availability is indicated when choosing a size. Item availability varies according to the size and color selected. Please select the desired product (size and color) to check stock availability: When items are available immediately, they are marked We can ship these items immediately. When items are on pre-order, they are indicated with color 0084ff (a message telling you when they will be available, in a blueSome readersHow can I cancel or change an order?
To cancel or modify an order, contact us as soon as possible with your order number. As long as your order has not been shipped, we can cancel or modify it. Since we guarantee shipment of your order within 1 working day (excluding pre-orders), we may not be able to cancel or modify your order: If the parcel has already been picked up by the carrier, we are no longer able to modify or cancel the delivery. In this case, it will be necessary to waitFew readersI have received the wrong product, what should I do?
We are sorry if your order is incorrect. Please let us know by emailing us at bonjour@ker-sun.com. To ensure that your request is processed as quickly as possible, please indicate the item(s) concerned and your order number. This will enable us to find a solution for you as quickly as possible. We guarantee a response within 24 hours.Few readersI haven't received an order confirmation email. What should I do?
As soon as you validate an order on our website, you will receive a confirmation email on the email address you provided during your purchase. If you do not receive an e-mail within a few minutes of placing your order : We invite you to check your "spam" or "junk mail" box first. The confirmation e-mail may have slipped through. If this is the case, mark it as "not spam" so that you can receive other emails related to your order. We also invite you to type "KER SUN" in theFew readersCan I combine several orders into a single shipment?
When you place several orders in the same period of time, we strongly encourage you to combine them into a single shipment. This makes it easier for you to track and receive your items, and helps us limit our impact on the environment. Contact us as soon as possible, by email at bonjour@ker-sun.com and we'll take care of making the change if the packages haven't already left. Related answers : How can I cancel or modify an order? (/en/article/comFew readersMy order is missing some items. What should I do?
We are sorry if your order is incomplete. Please let us know by emailing us at bonjour@ker-sun.com. To ensure that your request is processed as quickly as possible, please indicate the missing item(s) and your order number. This will enable us to find a solution for you as quickly as possible. We guarantee a response within 24 hours.Few readers